
Makai Parker ✨
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

I view the world in a different lens. I tend to question most things around me and wonder what, who or how it came about. I’m always all over the place mentally and I’m okay with that. There are small things on the other hand, which intrigue me and I often wonder if it intrigues others as well. I have a very open mind, reminds me of Libra’s; they have a natural balance towards life that I often utilize and even wonder if that trait is within me.

One conversation I’ve overly revisited is the topic of doing or treating people the way they treat you. I have a friend who believes you should be and do what you usually would even if it goes against the “do to those” quote and I disagree. She said, if she wouldn’t share her cookie with me that doesn’t mean I should change my mind and not share mine with her. I said it seems unfair or even one sided to share something with someone who would not do the same. She claimed it goes against who I am if I decide I no longer want to share because she doesn’t. My continued argument is my refusal to be “nice” to someone who isn’t doing the same for me. Why share if you wont share too? Her rebuttal is I shouldn’t change who I am or how I do things because of someone else’s mindset, and I can see where she is coming from, I just don’t like the idea of doing for someone what they would not do for me.

My niceness goes out of the window once I see a difference in a situation. I revisited her statement multiple times and came to a consensus; I learned sometimes you just have traits others do not and thats okay. I am, on the other hand, still battling this because although I see what she means, it does not sit well with me nor is it something I would partake in.

All in all however, this is a matter of perception. She views the situation one way and I another. It does not make myself or her wrong, it just highlights how different we think. Right now, I am seeking a manifestation journey. Peace is what I yearn for and I know if I can handle this in a simple manner I will, but it bothers me to treat someone better than I deserve or even would rather. It perplexes me. This is one of the battles I have in life.

I want to be myself and do what I believe in but life throws you shit sometimes and you have to make do, unfortunately.

Perception is such a big deal; how you view something can literally change the topic of conversation or divert how a conversation goes. I find it to be okay, I just feel we as humans should take a step back and focus on or realize whats happening, so we can better respond to these kinds of situations. Perception is something we all must recognize and utilize. We all should remember perception is what helps us respond to most if not all situations. This tool can make so many conversations smoother.



Makai Parker ✨

Everyone Loves a Short Story 🗞 Behavioral Technician - Aspiring Chef & Author 📔 Subscribe to stay Updated, & Follow ✨